What are Premium Workshops?
Workshop registration will be live Wednesday June 12 at 9 PM EST. Only some of the seats will be available before the convention, the rest will be available during the convention. Some workshops will cost more than others, with higher costs corresponding to higher material costs.
*All Workshops are Non-Refundable. Attendee is responsible for attending the workshop at the specified time and place
Friday 12:00 PM |
Silicone Mold Making
Workshop 2 Utopian Pigeon Cosplay Silicone Molds allow you to create the small objects and notions that can bring your costume to life down to the smallest details. Utopian Pigeon shows you how. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Casting Call (Pt 1)
Workshop 3 Pros and Cons Cosplay (Pro) Mold making and casting can be a great way to add organic shapes and dimension to your project, while also adding stability, rigidity or other fun textures. It is also an excellent way to make lots of one thing! Join this two-part panel where attendees will walk away with their very own cottage-core themed diorama, decorated with things you cast! Part 1 - Intro to mold making. For this panel, attendees will learn how to make silicone molds, and set the base up to make small woodland themed figures. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. You must attend both sessions. |
EVA Foam for Beginners
Workshop 4 TurtleSmithy Cosplay So you want to craft foam but don't know where to begin? TurtleSmithy Cosplay will cover basic techniques including layering pieces, dremeling, glueing, heat shaping, sealing, and painting. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Friday 03:00 PM |
Make a Simple Corset Mockup
Workshop 1 Stella Sews Cut and sew a mockup of a simple corset and troubleshoot fitting, as time allows. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 11) Requires a separate purchase. All participants need to wear clothing they can try their mockup on over. A t-shirt is fine; armor is not. Please note you WILL NOT have a finished garment by the end of the class. No minors without a guardian. |
Silk Painting Intensive (Pt 1)
Workshop 2 December Cosplay December guides you through an intensive three-session course of silk painting. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 10) Requires a separate purchase. You must attend all three sessions. |
Let’s Make Scale Mail!
Workshop 3 Jenny Barclay Jenny Barclay prepares you for time travel mishaps and post-apocalyptic combat with her workshop on building your own scale mail. You’ll learn how to weave scale and finish edges. You’ll leave with a patch of scale formed by your very own hands. Metal!!🤘 Premium workshop: (Capacity: 14) Requires a separate purchase. |
Tatted Lace
Workshop 4 Wingedlight Cosplay Tatted lace involves creating a lacework of rings and chains with a handheld needle that produces a surprisingly durable and decidedly fancy element. Wingedlight Cosplay walks you through the process. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 10) Requires a separate purchase. |
Friday 07:00 PM |
Dice Bags
Workshop 1 Sew Angry You've got to keep your dice somewhere, so why not make your own bag? Sew Angry will walk you through sewing a curved cut to a straight cut and leveraging a pattern with seams featuring inset shapes, trim, and embellishments. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 10) Requires a separate purchase. |
Introduction to Electricity
Workshop 2 Jenny Barclay Jenny Barclay shows you how to chain lightning to your costume, or alternatively leverage batteries and other modern technologies to make things light up, move, and more. This class is for BEGINNERS and will cover a broad range of information to get comfortable beginning your journey. We will focus on circuits, LEDs, and work with bread boards. Best of all, you’ll leave the class with a fun costume piece you’ve lit up yourself! Premium workshop: (Capacity: 12) Requires a separate purchase. |
Intro to Spinning
Workshop 3 Ivorivet, Stella Sews Do you want to try making your own yarn and look totally cool while doing it? In this workshop we'll cover the basics of using a drop spindle, explore how twist affects yarn properties, and have several other spinning methods to try. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 12) Requires a separate purchase. |
Intro to Kimekomi
Workshop 4 Pros and Cons Cosplay (Pro) Kimekomi is a traditional Japanese art technique typically used to make dolls and ornaments. Learn how to use this simple yet elegant technique to enhance your cosplays or your home decor! Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Saturday 10:00 AM |
Goldwork Embroidery
Programming 1 Sarcasm-himé Sarcasm-hime guides you through the world of embroidery with metalic threads. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. If you have a hands-free embroidery stand, feel free to bring it! |
Smocked Pillows
Workshop 1 Pros and Cons Cosplay (Con) Smocking is a type of fabric manipulation that will give your costumes some elegant dimension! This workshop will cover smocking basics and helpful tools to take your projects further. Attendees will be able to practice smocking by making a small pillow. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Embossing for Boss Builds
Workshop 2 Pros and Cons Cosplay (Pro) Do you have the perfect fabric but want to add some razzle-dazzle? Are you interested in learning even more ways to add a personal touch to your garments? Embossing is for you! Attendees at this interactive panel will learn to use various embossing techniques to amplify fabrics! Attendees will leave with self-made velvet pillows and sample embossing squares. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Latex Casting with Stone Molds (Pt. 1)
Workshop 3 Jenny Barclay Latex is an understandably flexible material, but how do you get it into the complex shapes you need for your project? In this class you’ll cast and leave with a Sci-fi themed 3-dimensional patch you made yourself. Part 1 of the class will also do a hand on demo of how to make the stone molds we’ll be using to cast with. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 12) Requires a separate purchase. You must attend both sessions. |
Styling Long Wigs
Workshop 4 Malindachan That hair! That long, beautiful hair! How does one achieve such stylish, impossibly long and dreamy hair? Oh, it's not real and you have to style it? Well, I guess it's a good thing Malindachan is here to help you do just that! Premium workshop: (Capacity: 7) Requires a separate purchase. |
Saturday 01:00 PM |
Silk Painting Intensive (Pt 2)
Workshop 2 December Cosplay December guides you through an intensive three-session course of silk painting. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 10) Requires a separate purchase. You must attend all three sessions. |
Casting Call (Pt 2)
Workshop 3 Pros and Cons Cosplay (Pro) Mold making and casting can be a great way to add organic shapes and dimension to your project, while also adding stability, rigidity or other fun textures. It is also an excellent way to make lots of one thing! Join this two-part panel where attendees will walk away with their very own cottage-core themed diorama, decorated with things you cast! Part 2 - Let the casting begin! Those attending the second part will use the molds they made to cast their own figurines. While the figurines cure, attendees will decorate their dioramas in preparation for displaying their figurines! Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. You must attend both sessions. |
Saturday 04:00 PM |
Beginning Card Weaving
Workshop 1 Ivorivet, Stella Sews, Knit Freak Cosplay Card or tablet weaving is a very portable, low-cost form of weaving with a long history. Come learn to make woven trim for use in fantasy or DnD cosplays, LARP outfits, or historical reenactment. Cards, yarn, and patterns will be provided. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Ventilating Facial Hair
Workshop 2 Pros and Cons Cosplay (Con) Can't grow your own facial hair? Store bought is fine. Con of Pros and Cons Cosplay will teach you how ventilating–a technique used to create natural looking hairlines on wigs–can be applied to making facial hair. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Weathering Clothes and Props
Workshop 3 TurtleSmithy Cosplay Your costume is clean... a little -too- clean. TurtleSmithy Cosplay helps you apply various stages of weathering to your outfits and props with sanding, fabric fraying, and painting techniques. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
The Basics of Resin Casting
Workshop 4 Utopian Pigeon Cosplay Utopian Pigeon helps you add resin casting to your skillset with light-up gems and different effect materials including mica powders, alcohol inks, pigment inks dirty pours, petri, and more. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Sunday 10:00 AM |
Smooth Seams Sewing Practice
Workshop 1 Sew Angry Sew Angry guides you through getting straight lines straight, curved seams smooth, sewing dissimilar fabrics together, and other items discussed in her Clean Sewing panel. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 10) Requires a separate purchase. |
Latex Casting with Stone Molds (Pt. 2)
Workshop 3 Jenny Barclay Latex is an understandably flexible material, but how do you get it into the complex shapes you need for your project? In this class you’ll cast and leave with a Sci-fi themed 3-dimensional patch you made yourself. Part 2 of this class will cover de-molding, troubleshooting problems, and finishing techniques. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 12) Requires a separate purchase. You must attend both sessions. |
Workshop 4 Utopian Pigeon Cosplay Utopian Pigeon helps you build your own wings, though please don't pull an Icarus on us because we're absolutely terrified of the sun. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. |
Sunday 01:00 PM |
Obi Fabric Tote Bag
Workshop 1 Wingedlight Cosplay Wingedlight Cosplay walks you through using a sewing machine to create your own obi fabric tote bag. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 10) Requires a separate purchase. |
Silk Painting Intensive (Pt 3)
Workshop 2 December Cosplay December guides you through an intensive three-session course of silk painting. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 10) Requires a separate purchase. You must attend all three sessions. |
Goldwork Embroidery
Workshop 3 Sarcasm-himé Sarcasm-hime guides you through the world of embroidery with metalic threads. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 15) Requires a separate purchase. If you have a hands-free embroidery stand, feel free to bring it! |
Wig Transformation
Workshop 4 Malindachan Your wig probably isn't costume ready right out of the bag, but don't worry, Malinda-chan is here to help you get it through its training montage and transform it into the wig it didn't know it was always meant to be. Premium workshop: (Capacity: 7) Requires a separate purchase. |
Updated: Jun 16 11:04 PM